
Showing posts from November, 2017

N.A.S.A. (Or, striving for something greater)

Hi all, I need us to strive for something.  Maybe then we would have something to work for again.  The stars, the deep, Mars - we need something to work for and someone to beat, like Russia in the 60s.  I want students to love my subject, or at the very least need it, to accomplish larger goals.  I wish I could foster in them the love of learning of discovery, that the space race in the 60s did.  Humans are built to discover, to learn, to love and to build.  Instead of learning math because they have to, I want my students to learn to love it and use it for finding greater purpose.  Abstraction, the thing that makes algebra difficult, can also make life better and easier.  Students can empathize with others, hold on to the truths in their lives, and find commonality.  Commonality with others leads to peace, knowledge, and absolute truth. I know I'm waxing philosophical.  I suppose I can attribute that to my philosophy minor at Bates....

I wonder

Hi all, I gave a test yesterday.  I wish my students would take this as an opportunity to show growth, but instead they usually take it as an opportunity to gripe at me about how little they know, how little I've taught them, or (in rare, honest moments, how unfair it is that they haven't studied).  Why are my students so helpless?  Or, maybe they could do it with the right motivation, but they don't think they will need the math I'm teaching. At any rate, I suppose teacher musings are common this time of year.  It's almost the holidays, and inevitably I find my feelings bruised by students, parents, or colleagues.  I'm trying to stay thankful for the things I do have, instead of whining about the things I don't.