Safety in schools
Hi all, I'm not really a complainer. But I need to vent for a bit. In the past month, while trying to do my job as an educator (I won't say where), I've been swung at by a high school kid, who nearly connected. No consequences were given by administration. Then, today, an 8th grader shone a laser pointer at my retina, and though I did everything I was supposed to do, the student has received no consequences. I'm not an administrator. I don't get the big bucks to have an 092 and walk around the halls, solving problems. I just do my duty when I am asked to, teach my class as well as I am able, and would like to think that I am safe in my building. I'm a large, imposing guy. Kids don't generally mess with me, and if they think they can they generally think twice. Fast. I've never put my hands on a student, nor have I ever needed to. They generally do what I ask them to do, the first time because they realize they should,...